How do i clean dead skin under my feet? - Nature



How do i clean dead skin under my feet?

How do i clean dead skin under my feet?
How do i clean dead skin under my feet?

Home remedies for dead skin on feet

Cold method
Cold feet are a way to get rid of dead skin on them, and to do this you can do the following:
  • Soak the feet in three liters of warm water and salt solution, for a quarter of an hour, and then dry them well.
  • Massage places of accumulation of dead skin, using natural or cooled stone, and continue to massage until the dead and rough skin is permanently removed, taking care to make the massage process gentle and gentle.
  • Washing the feet after they finish rubbing them, to get rid of the effects of dead skin.
  • Grease the feet with castor oil or olive oil, and then cover the feet with a plastic bag, and then wear cotton socks, and leave the oil on the feet overnight.

Use the English salt mixture

The English salt mixture can be used to get rid of dead skin on the foot by:
  • To three liters of warm water, add two tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate, one tablespoon of essential oil, and English salt, then mix the ingredients well.
  • Soaking the feet in the mixture for half an hour or an hour, this recipe is effective in getting rid of dead cells, and thus adds a wonderful smoothness to the feet, as it is useful in ridding the feet of pain and muscle tension.

The mixture of olive oil

Olive oil is useful to soften the feet and get rid of dead skin on them, and it can be used as follows:
  • Put one cup of lemon juice and another of olive oil in three liters of warm water.
  • Soak the feet in the mixture for half an hour, as this method is very effective in getting rid of cracks in the feet, as well as dry skin.

Mustard mixture

One of the benefits of mustard is removing dead skin, and it can be used by grinding a cup of mustard, and then mixing mustard ground with water, until a cohesive dough is formed, 

Then apply the dough on the feet, and then wrap the feet with a plastic bag, and leave it for a quarter of an hour before washing the feet With water.

Henna mixture

One of the benefits of mustard is removing dead skin, and it can be used by grinding a cup of mustard, and then mixing mustard ground with water, until a cohesive dough is formed, 

Then apply the dough on the feet, and then wrap the feet with a plastic bag, and leave it for a quarter of an hour before washing the feet With water.

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