Causes of itchy stinky feet - Nature



Causes of itchy stinky feet

Causes of itchy feet
Causes of itchy stinky feet

Itchy feet

The causes of irritable and uncomfortable itchy feet are numerous, often as a result of a skin injury or as a result of a fungal infection or other causes, and the person feels his need to itch their feet between the moment and the other, and at any time of the day or night, but the itch is easy to deal with during the day;

 Because the brain is active and can to make a decision not to scratch the foot, but at night it is more difficult to deal with this problem, the brain is at the lowest levels of awareness, 

And the opportunity to scratch the feet rises and this can lead to the appearance of swelling, redness, and pimples, so you must know the causes of this itch Ongoing treatment, which we will learn about in this article.

Symptoms associated with itchy feet

There are changes in the skin that may occur as a result of constantly scratching the feet. They include:
  • Skin rash.
  • Redness.
  • Swelling.
  • White spots.
  • Cracks.
  • Drought.
  • Warts.

Causes of itchy feet

The causes of itchy feet are many, and the most prominent of them are:
Infection associated with increased production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, among which are:
  • Liver diseases.
  • ➤ Cholestasis.
  • ➤ Cancer.
  • ➤ Peripheral neuropathy, which is usually associated with diabetes.
  • High red blood cells.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Thyroid disease.
  • Gestational itch during pregnancy.
  • Diabetes, as skin problems can be among the first signs of diabetes.
Skin conditions that cause itchy feet, such as:
  • ➤ Injury to the athlete's foot or tinea pedis, which is a fungal infection, and itching is one of the main symptoms along with red rash and scaling. Tinea pedis causes redness with inflamed pimples that can scratch and increase skin irritation. 
  • ➤ The occurrence of eczema, the symptoms of which are similar to those of the athlete's foot, so eczema appears as a rash, the skin is scaly and thick, and there are multiple causes of eczema, such as skin irritation due to excessive sweating, or dry skin that is caused by low humidity or excessive exposure to heat. 
  • ➤ Contact dermatitis in the form of a red rash, which results from irritants and allergens, among which are: adhesives, or chemicals found in shoes, neomycin found in antibiotic ointments, poison ivy, adhesive tape, perfume or other chemicals used in skin and nail care products. 
  • ➤ Dry skin that may result from medical conditions, such as atopic dermatitis, or due to other external conditions, such as lack of moisture, or because of age, or a diet in which vitamins or essential fatty acids are low or use of harsh skin washings. 
  • A pest infestation, such as scabies, is caused by an eight-legged insect called the scabies mission. It lays its eggs on the surface of the skin causing scabies. This condition is spread in very crowded areas where there is frequent contact between people. Symptoms of scabies include itching, especially at night, rashes, small pimples, And ulcers.
  • ➤ Psoriasis. 
  • ➤ Insect bites. 
  • ➤ Wounds and injuries.
Use irritants for the skin, such as medicines and ointments used to treat other diseases.

How to avoid feet itching

Here are some precautions to avoid getting itchy feet:
  • Ensure that the feet are clean at all times.
  • Make sure to dry the feet well after washing them.
  • Be sure to wear clean socks and shoes.
  • Choose socks and shoes made from breathable materials.
  • Be sure to wear socks at night.
  • Constant attention to toenails and cutting them constantly.
  • Take care not to walk barefoot in bathrooms, gyms, locker rooms and other places.
  • Be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions at all times.

Treating itchy feet medically

The dermatologist should be consulted when the itching worsens, especially after the occurrence of these conditions:
  • Persistent itching after home treatment.
  • Inability to sleep.
  • Lack of focus in the daily routine due to lack of rest.
  • Itching has spread to the entire body or affects the body in one way or another.
  • The lack of clarity or knowledge of the cause of itchy feet.
  • Other symptoms such as red skin and fever, weight loss, or lethargy.
When you visit the doctor, he will diagnose the condition and develop a plan to treat it. If the itch is due to skin diseases such as psoriasis, scabies, contact dermatitis, eczema, or dehydration, 

Then these diseases are treated to get rid of the itch, in addition to treating internal diseases as well if they cause itching, In the event of excessive sweating that causes the unpleasant smell of the foot, 

The foot can be injected with botulinum toxin to get rid of permanent sweating, and there is a drug treatment prescribed by the doctor to relieve itchings, such as cholestyramine, naltrexone, naloxone, or odansetron for severe and severe itchy cases, 

And there is another way that may resort to To her, the doctor injected the foot with vitamins, such as vitamin B6, B12, and B1.

Treating itchy feet naturally

These are some home recipes that relieve itching and its symptoms and make the foot wet and smooth, by reducing inflammation caused by dry skin or other reasons, and it should be noted that the doctor’s approval must be taken to make these recipes. 

Baking soda

Baking soda has proven effective by relieving itchy feet, as it relieves burning, discomfort and skin irritation.
  • Ingredients: Two or three tablespoons of baking soda and water.
  • How to prepare and use: Mix the ingredients well until a paste is obtained, spread the dough on the foot, leave it for 10 minutes, wash it well with water, then dry it well.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide kills bacteria and fungi in the foot.
  • Ingredients: Pint of hydrogen peroxide (3%), lukewarm water.
  • How to prepare and use: The hydrogen peroxide is placed on a basin full of lukewarm water, then the feet are submerged in the tank for a few minutes, and this is repeated for several days to relieve itchy feet.


Oats help reduce itching, especially if dry skin causes it. 
  • Ingredients: cup or two cups of oatmeal, and warm water.
  • How to prepare and use: The oats are placed on a basin full of warm water, then the feet are submerged in the tank for a few minutes, after which the remaining oats are removed from the foot, and moisturized with a good moisturizer.

White vinegar

White vinegar is acidic that eliminates itchy bacteria and fungi. 
  • Ingredients: two tablespoons or 3 tablespoons of white vinegar, warm water.
  • How to prepare and use: Vinegar is placed on a basin full of warm water, then the feet are submerged in the sink for several minutes, and care must be taken to moisturize the foot with a moisturizer to avoid dehydration.

Water and salt

Water and salt relieve irritation and pain associated with itchy feet. 
  • Ingredients: a cup of salt, and a liter of warm water.
  • How to prepare and use: The salt is placed on a basin full of warm water, then the feet are submerged in the sink for several minutes, and this is repeated every hour until the itch subsides.

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil has cooling properties that relieve itching and inflammation, and peppermint oil has proven effective in relieving itching caused by dry skin.
  • Ingredients: peppermint oil and water.
  • How to prepare and use: Peppermint oil is diluted with water and placed on the foot, or a few drops of peppermint oil can be added to a tank filled with warm water, then the feet are immersed in the sink.

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