Benefits of hands washing │ wash your hands - Nature



Benefits of hands washing │ wash your hands

Benefits of hand washing - wash your hands
Benefits of hands washing │ wash your hands

Reducing the risk of diarrhea

reduces the number of people who develop diarrhea by 31%, and the likelihood of developing diarrhea disease in people with weak immune systems decreases by 58%.

Reducing antibiotic resistance to viruses

Prevention of the disease reduces the number of antibiotics used by humans and reduces the possibility of the development of antivirus resistance to antibiotics. 

Hand washing can prevent about 30% of diarrhea-related illnesses and about 20% of respiratory infections (for example, colds) as antibiotics are often prescribed unnecessarily to these health problems, and reduce the incidence of this infection by washing hands Repeatedly helps prevent overuse of antibiotics, washing hands can protect people from infection with germs that are already resistant to antibiotics and which may be difficult to treat.

Preventing germs from entering the body or spreading

Some viruses (small organisms that cause colds) can live on surfaces for hours, regular hand washing is the best way to prevent them from entering the body, and also if you are a sick person, washing your hands will keep you from spreading germs.

Preventing eye infections

The spread of bacterial eye infections can be reduced by regular hand-washing, and it can also reduce the possibility of conjunctivitis or eye redness.

 This irritating eye condition causes eye pain, itching, sensitivity to light and other symptoms, spreading through a large number of methods, but the most common are spread through viruses. 

Always wash your hands before touching the eyes to reduce the risk of eye irritation and irritation

Reducing the risk of respiratory disease

You can reduce the incidence of acute respiratory infection by placing hand washing among your daily priorities. 

There are usually pathogens that cause respiratory complications on the surfaces and hands. 

Some of the pathogens associated with diarrhea also cause respiratory problems, but hand washing greatly reduces the Chances of getting sick.

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