What is the cause of hands numbness? - Nature



What is the cause of hands numbness?

What is the cause of hands numbness?
What is the cause of hands numbness?

Hands numbness

Numbness is a common health problem; it usually affects hands, arms, feet, or legs as a result of increased pressure on the nerves or interruption of blood flow to it in the affected area. Often the feeling of numbness is due to a disorder in one of the three nerves in the hands, which are: 
  • Middle nerve: (Median Nerve) The middle nerve provides nerve nutrition to the inside of the thumb, index finger, and middle finger. The pressure on the middle nerve impedes the transmission of nerve signals from these fingers to the spinal mountain, which leads to feelings of numbness.
  • The radial nerve: The radial nerve is responsible for transmitting sensory signals from the back of the hands, thumb, index finger, and middle finger. The obstruction of the radial nerve leads to numbness or numbness in the back of the hand.
  • Ulnar nerve: The ulnar nerve connects between the neck and fingers, and the increased pressure on it leads to a feeling of numbness or numbness in the side area of the hand, ring finger, and pinky; that is, the last two fingers in the hand.

Causes of hands numbness

In fact, in most cases of numbness of the hands, the cause is increased pressure on one of the nerves that connect the spinal cord, neck, and hand, as a result of the patient sitting or lying in the same position for a long period of time, 

As is the case when sleeping on the hand for a long time, as it is possible That numbness is attributed to the frequent and intense stirring of the hands. However, in some cases, numbness may be chronic, Or severe, or very frequent, which may indicate the presence of a health problem leading to it, such as nerve damage. 

Usually, numbness in these cases is accompanied by some other symptoms: such as muscle weakness, pain and itching, and the following is a statement of some of the most important health problems that can cause numbness of the hands:
  • Diabetic Neuropathy: Diabetic is the most common cause of neuropathy, as it accounts for approximately 30% of cases, and usually causes numbness and numbness in the feet, legs, hands, and arms.
  • Vitamin Deficiency: such as Vitamin E, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and Niacin, because these vitamins are important in the proper functioning of nerves.
  • Drinking alcohol: (Alcoholism) In addition to the harmful effects of alcohol on the nerves, it also leads to a deficiency in some important vitamins such as thiamine.
  • Exposure to toxins: Poisoning due to some industrial and environmental chemicals and heavy metals leads to nerve damage, such as lead (Arsenic), mercury and thallium.
  • Some types of medications: some antivirals, antibiotics, anti-seizure medications, and chemotherapy drugs used to treat Cancer, it may irritate the nerves.
  • Infection: Lyme Disease, Herpes Simplex (Cytomegalovirus), and Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
  • Suffering from some autoimmune diseases: such as rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus.
  • Exposure to a physical injury: Exposure to a physical injury may lead to increased pressure on the nerves, or damage to the nerves resulting in feelings of nerve pain, such as in cases of bone dislocation or herniated disc.
  • Infection with some diseases: Kidney Disease, liver, hypothyroidism, and vascular disorders.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: is a condition of narrowing and increasing pressure on the middle nerve in the wrist, which leads to feelings of induration, numbness, and pain in the arm and hand.
  • Stroke: which is a break in blood flow to the brain, which leads to a decrease in the supply of oxygen and food to the brain, and consequently the death of brain cells.
  • Multiple Sclerosis: Multiple sclerosis affects the body's ability to feel, by causing damage to the brain cells and the spinal cord.

Hands numbness treatment

In general, in the absence of any permanent damage to the nerves in the hand, numbness usually improves when shaking or rubbing the hands for a few moments, 

As in the event that the cause was a hand injury as a result of continuous and repeated movement, it can be treated by stopping the practice of the causative action. 

If numbness is a symptom of a disease or a health disorder, it can be eliminated by treating the underlying health problem. 

The following is an indication of some of the advice and treatment options that may help relieve numbness of the hands:
  • Rest: It is usually recommended to rest the hand to relieve pressure on the affected nerve, and a brace can be installed to prevent the movement of the hand during the treatment period, as in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Physical therapy: Physical therapy helps relieve pressure on nerves and prevent it from happening again by increasing the strength of the muscles surrounding it. In addition, physical therapy helps increase hand elasticity and range of motion.
  • Medication treatment: If the numbness is accompanied by pain, the person can take some analgesic medications, such as ibuprofen and naproxen.
  • Surgery: If other treatment options are not successful, the doctor may resort to a surgical procedure to relieve pressure on the nerves, depending on the decision on several factors: such as other symptoms associated with numbness and its cause. A herniated disc is one of the health conditions that may need surgical intervention.

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