Why my feet are getting hot? - Nature



Why my feet are getting hot?

Why my feet are getting hot?
Why my feet are getting hot?

Feet temperature

The heat of the feet is considered one of the problems that many people suffer from, and the exact cause has not been found for them, as this problem is represented by a constant feeling of heat in the feet, with excessive sweating and slight swelling in the feet, in addition to feeling pain and numbness in them at times, which It leads to sleep problems, so in this article, we will introduce you to the methods of treating foot temperature.

Causes of hot feet

The causes that lead to heat the feet, which are:
  • Suffering from various organic diseases, or mental illnesses such as depression, persistent anxiety, and others.
  • Malnutrition, particularly the lack of vitamins from the body, especially the B vitamins that cause this problem.
  • Follow bad daily habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Excessive exercise, so it is noted that there are many sportspeople who suffer from this problem.

How to treat feet heat

You can treat the problem of feet temperature by following these steps:
  • Eliminate the organic problems that cause heat in the feet, if any, such as diabetes, kidney problems, thyroid glands, or blood problems, etc., by resorting to the attending physician.
  • Get rid of the habits that cause the problem, by making sure to eat healthy and balanced foods, so that meals during the day include vitamins, carbohydrates, fats, etc., in addition to maintaining the ideal weight, and avoiding alcoholic drinks and smoking.
  • Using olive oil, by applying the sole of the foot with it before going to sleep.
  • Grease the feet with henna and leave them for at least half an hour to ensure that they are well pigmented, then wash them, as henna helps absorb heat and reduce the pain associated with it.
  • Soak the feet with apple cider vinegar, and that is by putting a quantity of vinegar in an appropriate amount of lukewarm water, and soaking the feet before going to sleep for a few minutes, then dry them well, as it was found that apple cider vinegar relaxes the feet and helps to treat their pain or high temperature.
  • Soak the feet with mustard flour, by dissolving 1 tablespoon of mustard in four liters of cold water.
  • Drinking ginger, where studies and research have shown that ginger has a great ability to get rid of the heat that affects some people in the feet area, where it is preferable to eat ginger after waking up from sleep.
  • Avoid standing for long periods of time during the day, as it is advised to sit from time to time.
  • Avoid wearing socks made of synthetic fibers, and replace them with cotton socks, and narrow shoes should be avoided.
  • Resorting to medications that may be in the form of injections or pills, depending on the prescription of the doctor.

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